Help for Families in the “Diaper Gap”

Families with newborns quickly learn that diapers are expensive. Many families struggle to be able to afford enough diapers for their babies. This leads to difficult choices like whether to spend money on food, diapers, or utility bills. The Obama administration has a plan that utilizes technology to help solve this problem. Nearly one in three Americans cannot afford to purchase enough diapers for their babies. In some cases, parents cope by stretching the length of time between diaper changes. This can lead to serious health problems for babies and parents. Babies can end up with urinary tract or staph … Continue reading

The Elephant Parent Nurtures Their Child

Add this one to your list of parenting styles. A new one is called “The Elephant Parent”. It is a very compassionate and nurturing parenting style that can be done by a mom, a dad, or both at the same time. In many ways, it is the opposite of the “Tiger Mom” parenting style. The Elephant Parent style was mentioned by Priyanka Sharma-Sindhar in an article she wrote for The Atlantic. She connected the nurturing and protective style she was raised in with the way elephants raise their young, and termed this parenting style “Elephant Parent”. Priyanka Sharma-Sindhar grew up … Continue reading

Banning Chocolate Milk Doesn’t Improve Nutrition

Parents who had children in several schools in Oregon noticed what they viewed as a problem. The kids were much more likely to drink chocolate milk than they were to drink white milk. The parents believed that banning the chocolate milk would force the kids to start drinking more white milk. Instead, things did not work out as planned. It is safe to say that the parents in the school district’s PTA meant well. They were hoping to make changes that would provide better nutrition for the students. They believed that removing the chocolate milk, and only offering white milk, … Continue reading

Ways You Can Contribute to Scientific Research

Want to do something with your spare time that can help others? Get involved in a “citizen science project”. You don’t need a degree in science (or anything else) in order to participate. Consider contributing to any of the following projects. It has been said that volunteering is good for you. People who volunteer their time and energy to help others experience some benefits themselves. Volunteering is a great way to boost self confidence, to fight depression, and to stay physically healthy. It is also a great way to make new friends. The following science projects need people to help … Continue reading

Have Some Mountain Dew Before a Test?

How do you feel about standardized testing? Chances are you aren’t an incredibly big fan of it. Children tend to strongly dislike taking standardized tests because it is stressful, confusing, frustrating, and very different from how their typical school day goes. Perhaps this is why a school in Florida found a controversial way to motivate students to take their standardized tests. Someone at Creel Elementary School in Florida came up with an unusual way to get students excited about taking the FCAT. The FCAT stands for “Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test”. A grandmother who learned about it contacted the local media. … Continue reading

Kids Skate for Free!

I’m always looking for new and free things to keep my kids entertained for the summer. We take advantage of free summer movies, free music concerts, library programs and more. Now, there is a new activity that my family may be able to enjoy, free skating! Through the Kids Skate Free Program, participating roller rinks are offering free skating for kids this summer. I like this idea, because skating is so active, just what kids need. During the hottest months, it is sometimes hard to make sure kids get enough exercise. Exercise helps keep a healthy weight, burns off extra … Continue reading

Negativity Toward Self

Have you ever considered that the way you see yourself could be a hindrance to a fitter, healthier you?  So often we look at roadblocks as outside sources…lack of time, money, or even our own motivation. Yet if we don’t see ourselves in a positive light, this can also stand in the way of success.  There are a couple of reasons why.  One is that we unconsciously believe that we don’t deserve better. We may look in the mirror, hating what we see and think that this is it…this is the best we can do.  We aren’t worth the time … Continue reading

Use Smartphone to Lose Weight

If you’re anything like me, your smartphone has become a third arm.  Of course, I feel like I can justify this because I have a son in the military.  But the truth is that it would be attached to my side anyway. So why not make good use of it?  It already allows me access to my email, Facebook, the weather and so much more.  I might as well see if it can help me lose weight. A new study finds that a standard weight loss program can be more effective when you incorporate your smart phone.  With so many … Continue reading

Government Resources for Finding Health Insurance

Are you looking into potential options for health insurance coverage? Maybe you have a health plan, but are interested in finding a better one. One way to start your search is with a few government websites. They have reliable information about many kinds of health insurance. has an Insurance Finder tool. tool. It will help you find public, private, and community programs that meet your needs. You can get started in two quick steps. First, use the drop down box to select the state that you live in. Second, select the category that best describes you. Choose from: Family/Children, … Continue reading

Medicaid Coverage in New York for Pregnant Women

The Medicaid programs in each state have a portion that is designed to cover the health care needs of women who are pregnant. In New York, the main Medicaid program will provide that coverage. The state also has a prenatal care program, and a family planning program. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It provides coverage for individuals and families who are low income, and who are unable to afford to buy a health plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the federal government. It is also partially funded by … Continue reading